Category: NaNoWriMo2021

NaNoWriMo2021 wrap-up

NaNoWriMo2021 wrap-up

I’m writing this on November 29th, two days before the official end of this year’s NaNoWriMo writing marathon. And even though the month isn’t over, I can do a wrap-up post because I ‘won’ by hitting 50,000 words on November 20th. That’s the earliest I’ve ever won this challenge. I’ve got over 73 thousand words…

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NaNoWriMo2021, First Week

NaNoWriMo2021, First Week

The first week isn’t even over and I can already report that this is more of a challenge than the last few have been. Not that I don’t have the time to write. And I’m making my word count quota every day. The challenge is in the content. And the approach. The topic is dating…

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Brace yourselves: NaNoWriMo is coming

Brace yourselves: NaNoWriMo is coming

Here we are again in mid October with another NaNoWriMo rushing toward us. Last November, I started my Haunted Amusement Park story. I’ve been working on it since then and the story has gotten stronger, the characters and their motivations have gotten deeper and my sense of confidence about how it will be as a…

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