Category: Poetry

Adventures with Words – October 2023

Adventures with Words – October 2023

#12… does that mean I’ve been doing this for a year already? *checks notes* Ok, not quite because at first I was doing two a month… That started December 2022. And I skipped September.. I was busy. Busy with what? Keep reading. PNWA Writers Conference 2023 I went to my very first writers con a…

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Results of a Creative Colloquy Workshop

Results of a Creative Colloquy Workshop

Creative Colloquy has adapted well to the covid-19 shut-in lifestyle so many of us have found ourselves in this past year. They’ve hosted online readings, workshops and other gatherings. I’ve been participating in everyone I can schedule myself for, which is 100% more than I had been attending when the events were hosted at brick-and-mortar…

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