Category: published work

Oly Arts Feature on Mud Flat Shorts

Oly Arts Feature on Mud Flat Shorts

Local magazine, Oly Arts, has an article up about the Mud Flat Shorts (mostly fiction) anthology. The reporter spoke to a few of us and included brief profiles and a portion of our conversations.

My Post on Mud Flat Press

My Post on Mud Flat Press

Along with many other writers included in Mud Flat Shorts, a mostly fiction anthology of short stories, I wrote a post for the Mud Flat Press blog. I share how I got involved in the project and a little about my writing process. If you go over there to read my post (thank you), I…

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Nonbinary: Memoirs of Gender and Identity

Nonbinary: Memoirs of Gender and Identity

This book, more than 5 years in the making, is finally getting out into the world. Around 30 contributors share their personal experiences and journeys in discovering what gender means to them, in defying gender norms and finding a place for themselves outside the gender binary. Contributors have their copies and it will be available…

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FINALLY! Nonbinary Anthology is Almost Here

FINALLY! Nonbinary Anthology is Almost Here

(Update: was told by the editors that the publish date might get pushed because of a paper shortage… but definitely this spring.) It’s available on Amazon for pre-order.  Publish date is April 9, 2019.  It’s been nearly 5 years since I first started working on my contribution for this… well, most of that time was…

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