Category: SciFi

Season of Change

Season of Change

Since I moved on June 10, I’ve been settling into my new home. I had a friend with a house painting business paint the living and dining room with vaulted ceiling and adjoining kitchen. I’ve painted my bedroom and recently finished painting my office. Once the office was painted, I was able to move the…

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Book Review: Autonomous

Book Review: Autonomous

In the spirit of full disclosure, I have a crush on the author of Autonomous, Annalee Newitz.  It’s a nerdy crush full of admiration for Newitz’s humor, intelligence and artistic talent. And if that isn’t enough, she’s queer, which is a total bonus on my score sheet. My crush began when I became a devoted…

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Between Worlds

Between Worlds

She woke with a start, gazing around with a confused expression. “Where is this? What’s going on?” She asked in a voice rough from lack of use. I stood up and came to her bedside. “You’re on the Zephretti in the infirmary.  Or what passes for it on a freighter.” The girl, who had been…

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