Tag: CKCombs

Adventures with Words – February 2024

Adventures with Words – February 2024

Hello, friends.  It has been a while since I sent out the last newsletter. I guess I needed a break. I hope you all had a good holiday season and that you have gotten a good start with 2024. Do you listen to podcasts? Seems like everyone has at least one, unless they’re not listening…

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Adventures with Words – November 2023

Adventures with Words – November 2023

During the summer, the day fades slowly into twilight where it lingers for a while before turning things over to the night. The sun doesn’t want the day to end any more than the rest of us. Winter is completely different. In the winter, night falls. Abruptly. Without warning or fanfare. One moment it’s day…

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Adventures with Words – August 2023

Adventures with Words – August 2023

I’ve got a bad case of the summers… don’t want to do the job, don’t want to cook dinner, just want to lie around and read. This newsletter almost fell prey to my inertia. Fortunately, it has clawed its way out in spite of my efforts to ignore it until September. Writers Chat You may…

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Adventures with Words – July 2023

Adventures with Words – July 2023

Today, as I wrap up this month’s newsletter, it is cooler than it has been since the beginning of the month, which I don’t mind. I am a hot weather wimp and have a much better time when the hot days come in short runs bracketed by cooler weeks. The only drawback to this kind…

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Adventures with Words, June 2023

Adventures with Words, June 2023

Happy Pride Month!   Yesterday, Mol and I were in downtown Olympia at the corner of 5h and Washington for the dedication of two crosswalks painted in trans flag colors. I was part of the speaker line up and though the mood was celebratory, I felt it necessary to bring some #realtalk to the event. You…

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Adventures with Words, April 2023

Adventures with Words, April 2023

Hello from sunny, now breezy with cloud cover, wait now it’s raining, no now it’s hail, back to sunny… Olympia Washington. Mol and I have set up our seed starting area in the garage and popped in 50 tomato seeds (5 varieties), cabbage and a mix of seeds we’re gonna harvest as microgreens. Update: Because…

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Adventures with Words, March 2023

Adventures with Words, March 2023

Hello friends. A lot has happened and is happening, so grab a comfy seat and I’ll catch you up Clocking Out to Concentrate on the Work On Friday the 3rd, I logged off of my work computer, shut down the monitors and began a two week writing retreat. For the first week of my retreat,…

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Adventures with Words, January 2023

Adventures with Words, January 2023

Adventures with Words, January 2023 – from CK Combs, Author I used to do New Year’s Resolutions, back when I was younger and hadn’t learned to choose my battles well. I piled up goals and ambitions, listed anything I could think of that I believed would improve my life. And every year there would come…

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Adventures With Words, December 2022

Adventures With Words, December 2022

Adventures with Words, December 2022 – from CK Combs, Author Hello! Welcome to the second newsletter. Thank you for coming along for the ride. I hope you’re doing well. I’m keeping my head above the water, though the pace of December activities and the dark and cold make me want to hibernate under cozy covers…

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Adventures with Words, Issue 1

Adventures with Words, Issue 1

Hello! I’m going to try this newsletter thing. All the cool kids are doing it and I want to be cool.  Also, I want to build systems to connect with readers that aren’t dependent on fascist billionaires. I’m planning a monthly schedule, with occasional short announcements if they are time sensitive. Making space for creativity is…

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