I was considering the various stories I’ve started and not finished. Novel length, short stories, and everything in between. I sat down and listed all my works-in-progress… I came up with a list of 11 (not counting everything I’ve ever not finished, just the projects that I still believe have value).

  1. My Best Friend the Serial Killer
  2. the Sandbox story about the alien/demon in the form of a 4 year old child
  3. Keeping Sarah Alive (past nanowrimo project)
  4. Bucket and Phil
  5. an erotic story featuring Humiliation kink
  6. Out of Mind
  7. Part of Your Coverage
  8. The Hole
  9. The Old Guy at the End of the World
  10. Erotica based on real life
  11. Guys Like Us – Buddy’s story

So I’ve got plenty of starting places. I just have to choose one and get on it.

One Reply to “WiP”

  1. 5, 8, 10

    Of course, you have opinions on what I should undertake… 🙂

    Though, The Hole is not of the same genre as the other two, despite its provocative title.

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