NaNoWriMo2020 progress report – Day 17
This is day 17 and the minimum target for today is 28,339 words. My word count today is 35,198. At this rate, I’ll hit 50k on November 24th, 6 days ahead of schedule.
The key this year has been the pre-planning. I’ve always been a pantser for this event and now I can understand why I often floundered in the long middle of the month – I didn’t know where the story was going. This year I know where I’m going AND I’m open to new ideas and twists I discover along the way. Today I wrote a scene from the last part of the novel where much is revealed. I jumped ahead because I had one of those ‘out of the blue’ inspirational moments this morning where it all came to me in a flash.
2020 has been many things for me – good and bad, traumatic and triumphant. And now I can add that 2020 was the year I became a ‘plantser’ – a writer with a plot and a plan who is open to inspired additions and changes to the original design. Even with the daily WTF moments 2020 continues to bring, it also brought me the easiest, most fun NaNoWriMo experience in the 6 times I’ve done it. And yes, I’m not finished yet, though with 15k to go, I’m definitely speeding downhill toward the finish line.